How To Protect Your Hardwood Floor

The more difficult part of maintaining wood floors is safeguarding rather than cleaning. There are a few preventative steps that need to be put in place if you want to lower the likelihood of an accident occurring because wood floors are exposed to several hazards that might scratch or scuff the surface.

Shoes are one significant source of risk. In addition to exposing wood floors to outside filth and dampness, it also has the potential to scuff up the wear layer or surface of the flooring.

It’s important to be extra cautious and remove your footwear before entering any area with wood flooring. Ask your guests to do the same. Even shoes with soles made of gentler materials, such as rubber, run the danger of marking up your wood floors.

Although this would not be feasible in many commercial buildings, such as hotels or restaurants, it might be reasonable to ask visitors to refrain from wearing heels or other footwear that offers a greater risk to wood floors and to “clean their feet” before entering, in an office setting.

You should lift objects rather than drag them across the room because furniture poses another significant risk of harming Hardwood flooring.

No matter how hard you try to avoid it, furniture will eventually drag, so you can get some felt protective pads that can be applied to the surface of the chair and table legs, for example, to further limit the chance of scratches from the furniture.

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