If you’re looking for flooring, you’re probably aware that hardwood flooring is one of the more expensive options available. Installing hardwood floors can cost thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the size of your property and the cost per square foot.
They look fantastic and provide a warmth to your house that few other materials can equal, but at that price point, many people are hesitant to install hardwoods unless they would boost the resale value of their property. Hardwood floors can improve the value of a home by 3% to 5%. In addition, gorgeous hardwood floors play off natural light to perfection and appear amazing in images on listing sites and virtual tours.

According to Time Magazine, Hardwood flooring can be polished and refinished numerous times, making it extremely long-lasting and ensuring great quality over time. However, if you’re choosing hardwoods, there are a few extra things to consider. While well-maintained high-quality hardwoods can last a lifetime, they do require more maintenance than other types of flooring.

The type of flooring you have and how well it is maintained can have a significant impact on how soon and for how much your home sells. Hardwood floors are widely regarded as not only a top flooring option, but also a top priority for homebuyers. In today’s market, many house buyers expect to see hardwood floors in the living and dining rooms when they tour a property for sale.
Hardwood flooring provides:
A better appearance
Simple to maintain
Long Life
What is the Return on Investment (ROI) for Hardwood Flooring?
Hardwood floors have a 70 percent to 80 percent average return on investment, and when built and maintained properly, they can boost the sale price by 3-5 %.
Now that you know how our hardwood flooring products can help boost the resale value of your home, check out all our Hardwood Floors from Hardwood Design Centre. We are excited to help you with all your hardwood flooring requirements!
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