Your comfort is controlled by the temperature and humidity levels in your home, and you rely on heating and cooling systems to keep things warm. Have you considered how a changing climate might affect your hardwood floors? Changes in humidity have a greater impact on flooring materials.

Country like Canada, the temperature often drops below freezing, our heating systems rev up to full speed. With the high temperature in the room the hardwood absorbs moisture, causing the planks to shrink and possibly crack. This might happen right away or take a long time.
On the other hand, in summer season temperature goes to above 95°F and dryness, laminate flooring or vinyl flooring is the floor for you. The good thing about laminate flooring is that they will not expand in warm temperature. Laminate material build up with the several layers of wood, and it run in opposite directions, it creates more stable material than solid hardwood.

There are several things you can do before installation to protect your laminate wood flooring. First thing you can do is that use underlayment it is also known as cushion, moisture barrier, or underflooring. Adding an underlayment cushion with a moisture barrier to your wood laminate flooring helps to protecting your flooring from moisture that coming from concrete or wood subflooring.

If you are still unsure about the right flooring material or installation process for your home, there’s no one better to ask than your flooring professional.
Choose a type of flooring from Hardwood Giant that is ideal for your needs and the climate where you live. Visit nearest hardwood giant store and take advantage of our extensive flooring selection to find the perfect match for your style and climate. You can talk with Hardwood Giant flooring professionals; we know the best floors for your home’s climate and will make sure that you’ll find the perfect style for your home or office. The Hardwood Giant offers exceptional customer service and can help you choose the right material for your home.
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